Biblical Minimalism - Book Giveaway!

Since beginning this blogging journey, I have been blessed with meeting so many sisters-in-Christ, who blog for the Kingdom of God, where deep and wonderful friendships have developed.  One such friend is Cheryl Smith, content creator for Homespun Devotions and Biblical Minimalism.  Any of you who have visited her blog know what a special blessing it is!  Cheryl has such a heart for the things of God and for following the Lord Jesus with every fiber of her being.  Her love for the Lord is contagious and her heart's mission is quite apparent through her blog, which is to share the joys of knowing Christ deeply and living a life devoted to Jesus.  Cheryl writes edifying devotional style posts that are delivered with incredible humility and love.

Cheryl recently authored Biblical Minimalism: Following Jesus from a Life of Abundance to a More Abundant Life which is about her family's journey to Biblical Minimalism.

In reading Cheryl's book, you will feel like she is sitting across the table from you having coffee, sharing her heart about her experiences, heartaches, lessons learned, and ultimate freedom as she and her family sought to lay aside every encumbrance...that so easily entangles in order to run with endurance the race that is set before {them} all so that others might experience for themselves a life lived abundantly for Christ, not weighted down by the world and things.

When we think of minimalism, we might envision a home that is sparsely decorated with very few pieces of furniture and kitchen countertops that are kept clear of trinkets or any item that doesn't serve a distinct purpose.  And you might be right, but as Cheryl points out, minimalism is sooo much more than that when applied Biblically.  It is not only taking an assessment of our physical possessions, but an assessment of our lives as a whole. Cheryl created the "Biblical Minimalism Whole-Person Pie" where she practically walks the reader through eight "slices" (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, financial, occupational and obligational) for the purpose of reflection in order to determine whether there is excess that is holding the reader back from fully serving God and living the abundant life that Jesus died for. 

"Biblical minimalism is not just about having fewer material possessions, sparse decor, or a specific number of outfits.  It is a complete, whole-person release of anything unlike Jesus, a letting go of everything that hinders us from following Him wholeheartedly and single-mindedly, and relinquishing all that brings us under bondage to this earthly, temporary life."

One of my major takeaways from Cheryl's book was her insight into the minimal life that Jesus led. 

"Jesus' life was a life of minimalism in its purest, most authentic form.  He was born in a borrowed stable and buried in a borrowed tomb.  The life He lived between the two was lived selflessly and completely devoid of personal gain. Jesus didn't focus on accumulating "stuff" down here because He knew this life is temporary, and His time on earth was short.  He said, "I must work the works of Him that sent Me,while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work."  John 9:4"

As Cheryl unpacked her minimizing journey throughout the pages of this book, I kept going back to this thought about Jesus' life and where His main focus lay.  Indeed, Jesus is perfect and I am not, but His words,  "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28, just kept playing over in my mind as I saw how Cheryl and her family were doing just that!  It isn't about being perfect or doing all the minimizing things, it is about doing what God has called YOU to do to experience His perfect rest in His perfect will.

I cannot emphasize enough that even if you feel you've got this whole minimizing thing down as far as your home and possessions, you will want to read this book. 

I am very minimalistic in my ways.  Clutter has always caused me stress, and my kitchen counters are as I described above, essentially cleared off.  I confess that I didn't save all my children's drawings or cards and am very quick to throw things out.  I, of course, save special sentimental items, but even those are for a very special few.  Having said all of this, I learned SOOO much from Cheryl's book!  There are other areas of my life where I am "hoarding".  My copy of Biblical Minimalism is filled with dog-eared pages and yours will be too!

And finally, Biblical Minimalism is chock full of Scripture which Truths bring home the importance of Biblical minimalism in every Believer's life.

You will be greatly blessed as you read about Cheryl and her family's road to Biblical minimalism.  Her tender heart toward the Lord is evident on every single page.

I would love to give a copy away to a lucky winner!  If you would like to enter to win, all you need to do is leave a comment here on this post.  The winner will be chosen on Wednesday, July 1st!

"Cheryl Smith is the author of the book ā€œBiblical Minimalism,ā€ the story of her familyā€™s journey from a life of abundance to a more abundant life. She is the author of the blogs Biblical Minimalism, where she writes about minimalism from a Biblical perspective, and Homespun Devotions, where she writes devotionals and conducts ā€œInner Views.ā€ She loves to spend time with her husband and son in the mountains, sing and play Bluegrass music, and write."   

woman in her 50s with long light brown hair, smiling

If you are not a lucky winner, please come back to this blog post where you can purchase the book, HERE."  šŸ˜Š


  1. Dear Karen! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words! I am so grateful to you and so thankful to walk this blogging journey alongside you. You are such a blessing to me! May the Lord richly bless you for all you do! Sending much love to you today.

    1. Hi Dear Friend! You are very welcome! Whoever the lucky winner is will surely be blessed! :-)

      Sending you much love,

  2. I need to look for this book! Clutter stresses me out, and it has been so frustrating to read books on minimalism that are not from a christian perspective.

    1. Congratulations Danell! You are the winner of Cheryl's book! Please use the contact form on my blog to email me your address so that a copy can be sent out to you. Again, congratulations!

  3. Bible Minimalism...sounds intriguing.

    1. Hi Susan, Thank you so much for commenting here!

      Fellow commenter, Danell, was chosen in the drawing to win Cheryl's book.

      Please feel free to purchase Cheryl's book through the link provided in this post. :-)

  4. Thank you for the book review. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Peabea! You are very welcome!

      Thank you so much for commenting here!

      Fellow commenter, Danell, was chosen in the drawing to win Cheryl's book.

      Please feel free to purchase Cheryl's book through the link provided in this post. :-)

  5. Cheryl and her book sound amazing! We can be as minimalistic as we can, but still never compare to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm just getting started in my minimalism journey. (Although I've never been a fan of clutter anyway). I'm headed over to Cheryl's blog now to get more info and learn more.

    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks so much for sharing about the start of your minimizing journey.

      And thank you so much for commenting here!

      Fellow commenter, Danell, was chosen in the drawing to win Cheryl's book.

      Please feel free to purchase Cheryl's book through the link provided in this post. :-)

  6. Such a beautiful review of Cheryl's book you've done Karen! I agree with you, it is like sitting down to coffee with Cheryl, and listening to her share a modern day story of laying aside all, to follow Jesus. It is a powerfully written book, with scriptures beautifully woven into the fabric of the book, and pictures of how one can truly follow Jesus today. I pray this book is a blessing to Danell! Many blessings to you :)

    1. Hi Marilyn! Thank you for your kind words.

      Indeed and Amen!

      Thanks so much for stopping by. Sending God's blessings right back to you. :-)


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