Meet Karen

Hello!  It means so much to welcome you to my blog.   

My name is Karen.  I love the Lord Jesus and have trusted in His sacrificial death on the cross as payment for my sins, believing in God's promise that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you will have eternal life.   

My husband Michael and I have two children, Christopher and Gabrielle.  

My son Christopher is married to Leanne.   They have a precious little boy Graham.  <3

My daughter Gabrielle has two children - Lexi  and Chase.  <3  

We are so blessed by our children, daughter-in-law and our three grandchildren.

My husband Michael is the Associate Pastor of our church.  He also serves as the Small Groups Leader.  Michael is a Research Assistant at our local hospital where he does cancer research.

I serve as the Women's Ministry leader and facilitate the Ladies Bible studies at my church.  

I have also served as mentor for a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) group where on occasion, I was asked to deliver devotionals to the moms.  

I am humbled and blessed to lead women in the study of God's Word.

The Lord laid it upon my heart to continue sharing insights from God's Word through blogging.  Particularly, to encourage and equip women to grow in and through their struggles.

It would be an honor and a blessing to grow deeper together with you in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. Hello Karen, just wanted to stop by and thank you for commenting on my post. Your comments stirred my heart because I so get where you are, been there more then once. I know God will lead you out and into the next place of service and give you that abundant life. Praying for you

    1. Thank you Betty for your caring words of encouragement.


  2. Hello Karen,
    I have enjoyed reading through some of your writings and meeting you today on my blog.
    This is a lovely and encouraging blog...keep writing and sharing. We need one another's encouragement so much today. I added you to my side bar so my friends can find you and enjoy meeting you also.
    Grace and peace to you dear Karen....
    Shirley in Virginia

    1. Shirley, Thank you so much! Your sweet and encouraging words have truly blessed me.

      I am humbled and honored that you would include me on the sidebar of your blog.

      I am so blessed to meet you! :-)

  3. Karen thank you for visiting my site today and commenting. I was so excited when i came to your site. i've been here before. I remember the Christian music playing. That is so inspiring! Thanks again for the visit. I pray your tooth is saved. I recently lost one of mine to a ruptured abcess... but I feel so much better now! Blessings to you and your lovely family! i shall return soon

    1. Horace, Thanks so much for your kind encouragement.

      It means so much that you have prayed for my tooth situation. I am encouraged by your own tooth experience that you found relief once it was pulled.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.


  4. Thank you sister for your wonderful words of encouragement that helped me to draw near to God.

    1. You are very welcome! Praising God you have found encouragement here that has brought you closer to the Lord.

  5. Thank you for this Word sister ā˜ļø


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