Do you long to have a gentle spirit?

I've always admired people who are gentle in their speech, manner and actions.  Sweet, soft voices that seem to woo hearers into a peaceful state...  Attitudes which see good in every person and situation... Calmness when circumstances warrant otherwise...

I've been blessed with two people like that in my life - my grandma and a dear sister-in-Christ, Raquel.

My grandmother left such a beautiful legacy.  I never once heard her saying anything bad about anyone.  She never complained.  In fact, when you asked her how she was doing, she would always say, "Oh, I can't complain."  Grandma was always happy.  I can still hear her sweet voice in my "minds-ear" saying, "Hi Dear" as I walked in the door...  A sweet, gentle spirit...

My friend Raquel taught me much about being a gentle parent.  Her children were already well-behaved, but if a situation arose where she needed to intervene, Raquel never raised her sweet sounding voice, but would stay calm as she spoke; her gentleness diffusing the situation, bringing calmness to her children.

I wish I could say both of these gentle spirits shaped me into a gentle phenom, but sadly this is not the case.   I don't have a sweet, gentle voice.  In fact, it seems physically impossible for me to lower my voice to a whisper.  lol.  I can be assertive in certain situations, and I tend to complain and be critical.  Nothing gentle about any of these things...

Today, I share about the fruit of the Spirit, gentleness, how Jesus is our perfect example for leading a gentle life, and ways that we can practically emulate the gentleness of Jesus.

If your fruit basket is low on gentleness, and you long to have a gentle spirit, I encourage you to hop on over to Sweet For Your Soul where I am a guest today.

I look forward to seeing you over there.  :-)

You might find me on these link-ups:
Grace & Truth Link-upWoman to Woman Ministries,  Growing in Grace Link-up, 3DLessonsLif4eInspire Me Monday Titus 2 TuesdayA Wise Women Builds Her HomeA Look at the Book,  Sunday StillnessThe Weekend BrewSpiritual Sundays, Soul Survival,  Give Me GraceA Little R&RTestimony TuesdayWomen with Intention WednesdaysStill SaturdayGood Morning MondaysTell His StoryFaith & Fellowship Blog HopMotivate and Rejuvenate MondaysBe SaltyMonday's MusingsThe Art of Home-Making MondayTuesday TalkWaiting on Wednesday,Dance with Jesus, Reflect His Love and Glory  Words of Comfort Link-upWholehearted WednesdaysTell it to Me TuesdayFaithful at Home Fridays, Faith 'N FriendsTGI SaturdaysSitting Among Friends Encourage Me Monday Words with Winter Essential FridaysSo Much at Home


  1. Karen, thank you again so much for sharing today! Your wisdom and words have been indeed been sweet for my soul!

    1. You are very welcome!

      Thank you so much for your kind encouragement and for an opportunity that blessed me beyond measure.

  2. I long for that gentle spirit, but alas, I have not achieved it yet.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

    1. Praying that the Lord comes along side us both to walk in His gentle ways.

      So thankful that we have a gentle Savior who loves us unconditionally.

  3. Thank you for your reminder of gentleness. I can often sound harsh esp. when rushing around as you mentioned in your article. I do want to learn to be gentle not just in easy times but in the stressful times as well. I know God will be with me and give me grace and strength. And for those times I fail He is ready to forgive. Blessings to you! I'm visiting from Blessed But Stressed #InspireMeMonday.

    1. Gayl, You are very welcome!

      Indeed He will. I love your desire to be gentle in stressful times as well.

      He certainly does understand our weaknesses and is always ready to "whisper in our ear" this is the way, walk in it.

      Thank you for always sharing such thoughtful comments. I greatly appreciate it!

      Blessings :-)

  4. What a beautiful legacy to have a grandma who never complained!

    1. Indeed it is!

      After my grandmother died, my father found a tiny Bible that was hers. The pages browned and worn; the book now so very delicate. My dad gave her Bible to me. I cherish having it.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. :-)

  5. How nice you have these people to follow! I can think of very rare gentle people. It surely is a rare and treasured fruit!

    1. Alice, It does seem to be a rare character trait these days. Indeed a rare and treasured fruit.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. May we be that gentle example for others to follow. :-)

  6. I can so relate! I don't have a very quiet spirit either, and I can get pretty riled if ruffled. Your grandma sounds like she was a wise lady!
    Thanks for sharing with us at Tuesday Talk! :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment and share in the conversation. :-)

      She was indeed a wise and wonderful lady.

      You are very welcome!

  7. What a beautiful post & a reminder to seek after Godly qualities such as these. Reading it made me think of people who exhibit meekness & just how lovely it is to see. God bless you & thank you for sharing this inspiring post.

    1. Angela, Thank you for your very kind words, and for sharing how gentle people have blessed you.

      You are very welcome! Blessings to you too. :-)


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