My New Year's Resolution

If you've been following along, I have been doing a series delving into the spiritual implications of the following popular New Year's sayings:

"New Year New Me"

"This is going to be MY year".

"I resolve to"

You can read the first two installments here and here.

Today I am going to take a look at "I Resolve to".

The Google dictionary defines resolve as a firm determination to do something.

I've never been one to make resolutions, especially New Year's resolutions.  I actually admire people who are resolutions oriented -  always striving to stretch themselves in mind or body.

Yet there is something about the word resolution or resolve that many find daunting which is probably why people give up on their New Year's resolutions within the first couple of weeks.

I've heard people say that they would rather set goals for the new year.

The Google dictionary defines goal as the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

I can see why goals would be more appealing than resolutions.  When we are impassioned about something, we will work harder to reach it.

Some of you might say I'm splitting hairs between the two definitions, but, in my humble opinion, I think goals speaks more to what drives a person.

As Believers, our main ambition in life is to Glorify God and to walk in the works He has prepared for us to do.   In so doing, we are emulating Christ.

I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.
John 17:4

What a beautiful ambition!  To emulate Christ!

Anne Graham Lotz says in Fixing My Eyes on Jesus...

"If you are able to finish God's work, it won't be an accident.  It'll be because you have focused every minute of every day on God's purpose.  And that purpose determines the way you manage your time, money, priorities, relationships, career, and every other aspect of your life.   God isn't something you add to your life - He is your life! And your life's work."

Wow!  This caused me to look at the following verse in a whole different light:

For we are God's handiwork, 
created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

I think in my mind I always thought about the good works referred to in this verse as remarkable things such as missionary work, sharing the Gospel, serving at church.  I never really thought about the works the Lord God prepared in advance for me to do to include time management, finances, relationships, careers or the mundane aspects of my life.   

When I look at what God has prepared in advance for me to do in that light,  I must ask myself the question, "Am I truly honoring God with my whole life?"  Sadly, the answer is no.

These works that the Lord has prepared for us to do in advance are not for the purpose of earning our way into heaven, but a means to show Christ to others.  There is nothing mundane about that!

May we go into the New Year with a desire to serve God with our whole heart, soul and mind.  May His life be the object of our ambition which drives our resolutions and goals from this day forward.

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  1. I'm with you on goals sounding better than resolutions ;). I believe in just coming up with goals a solutions to help me reach them. Tangible things that I can do and check off my list instead of a vague, "I resolve to..."

    1. Ah yes! I am a list checker offer. lol. That is true, I never thought how resolve can be vague where goals are actionable steps.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

  2. I'm with you, Karen! I want my main ambition to be about emulating and glorifying Christ! Every other focus, goal or resolution simply pales in comparison. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, my friend!

    1. Beth, You are very welcome. Thank you very much for sharing in the conversation. :-)

  3. Dear Karen! How your words always stir my inmost soul! I always leave here challenged and prompted to dig deeper and draw closer to dear Jesus. I LOVE the way you brought out that verse...I am feeling more and more that God has been preparing my family and me for a long time for something that is up ahead...a work that He has prepared for us a long time ago. I just feel a call to total surrender more than ever before. We have no time to lose. Jesus is surely coming soon, and life is a fleeting vapor that soon vanishes away. God, help us to not waste a minute of the precious life He gives by wasting it on selfish pursuits. Thank you for the way you constantly encourage and edify with your dear, Holy-Spirit inspired posts, dear friend. God bless you...praying for you every day. :)

    1. Hi Cheryl, I love how tender you and your family's hearts are to the call of Christ in your life. Such a sweet, sweet testimony.


      You are very welcome! You truly spur me on to continue writing. Your comments bless me immeasurably.

      Thank you so much for your precious prayers. They mean so much.

      The Lord brings you and your family to my mind often at which time I pray.

      Sending you much love,

  4. I like goals better than resolutions too, but i think there are times when good old fashioned resolve is in order. sometimes it just takes determination to leave things behind or to forge ahead when times are tough. thanks for the post!

    1. Hi Karen,

      Very well said! Thank you for sharing. :-)

      You are very welcome.

  5. This has been a powerful series! Thanks for sharing this on Booknificent Thursday at!

    1. Hi Tina, Thank you for your kind words. You are very welcome!


  6. Your post is very thought provoking! I agree with you wholeheartedly. Lately, at night, I've been asking myself, "Did I live for God today? Did I accomplish something for Him today?" Knowing that I'm going to ask myself that question at night inspired me to live for Him more fully.

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Miaismine,

      What a great question to ask yourself every evening! I can see where that would spur you on during the day knowing you were going to ask that. Thank you for sharing!

      You are welcome.

      Blessings, :-)


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