Can't See the Forest for the Trees

Moses said to the Lord, “See, you say to me, ‘Bring up this people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.’  Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.”  And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  And he said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?”

And the Lord said to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.”  Moses said, “Please show me your glory.”  And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.  But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”  And the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock,  and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.  Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen.”
Exodus 33:12-23

I must say, when I read this account of Moses conversation with God, I actually chuckled. I thought to myself, "Moses!  God just told you His presence would go with you!  Why would you respond, 'If your presence will NOT go with me, do not bring us up from here."  And then Moses continued to make a case for why the Lord should go with them even though God had already said He would!

All I could picture is me and my younger brother when we were kids, putting our heads together on how we were going to ask mom and dad to take us for ice cream.   We would even speculate that "if they said maybe, that would mean there was a good chance we could."  A spokesperson would be chosen amongst ourselves and then either my brother or myself would carry out our carefully crafted request complete with all the pros for why it would be a good idea to go get ice cream.  The "spokesperson" would be so busy making our case, that we totally missed that our father had already nodded his head yes.  Then when the realization hit, we'd be like REALLY?!?  lol.  Imagine if a lawyer presented his case like that and then when he won the court battle, would act all shocked and shout in the court room "REALLY?!?"  lol.  That would definitely beg the question, "Did you believe anything you were pleading?".

I confess I do this in prayer as well...  When I pray I assume the answer is no or will result in a negative outcome, and then miss the answer in the process!

Or I will come up with the answer that I deem fit for the request and then carefully ask the Lord in prayer.  Inevitably, in the short-term,  I would miss the answer because the outcome wasn't how I determined it should be...  Yet ultimately it was answered in God's good and perfect way.

I actually wrote a post about this a few years ago that sheds more light on missing answer to prayer in my post Dare to Ask

Prayer is the way we speak to God... And we can talk to Him like a friend because Jesus is our Friend.

I think there is something about conversations with friends that are very different than any other relationship.   Maybe it's because we aren't typically asking or expecting something of our friends, but just sharing and doing life together.  There is an ease to these types of friendships and conversations where true listening takes place because there is an underlying trust as confidants and friends.

We can come to the throne of Grace with that same ease.  The Lord Jesus is our ultimate Confidant and Friend.  We don't need to carefully craft our requests, pleading our cases or coming up with the process by which the prayer request is answered, but we can trust Jesus to listen for He knows us and our circumstances better than we do, how ever He sees fit to answer, we can rest in that.   We don't need to talk over Him and miss that the answer has already come.

Whatever you ask in my name, 
this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
John 14:13

Moses knew the Truth of John 14:13, and typically when He spoke to God, He would pray that the Lord would glorify Himself by answering, but in the account from Exodus I shared above,  He pled the fact of "how would the people know that he and the Israelites had found favor in God's eyes."  

I could be making a big assumption here.  So please take this with a grain of salt.  But I wonder if Moses wasn't hearing the answer to his prayer because he was basing it on how he and the Israelites would be perceived.  Was there a moment of doubting God's favor?...  

But as I shared in last week's post Grown-ups Have Temper Tantrums Too!, when the Lord answers our prayers it is not based on what we have or haven't done as children of God, but based on His will and His great love for us.

I find great comfort in knowing that God does glorify Himself in all our answered prayers.  As a result, we can absolutely know that He WILL answer...  Let's anticipate that answer with great joy, free from fear or worry.

You might find me on these link-ups:
Grace & Truth Link-upWoman to Woman Ministries, Inspire Me MondayA Wise Women Builds Her HomeSpiritual Sundays, Soul Survival,  Good Morning MondaysTell His StoryFaith & Fellowship Blog Hop  Tuesday Talk   Faith 'N Friends Sitting Among Friends   House to Home  ,Wonderful Wednesday , Literacy Musings Mondays,Imparting GraceDance with Jesus Booknificent Thursdays  Fresh Market Friday Moments of Hope Wonderful Wednesdays , Tea & Word Tuesday Heart Encouragement Thursday Hearts for Home Messy Marriage Link-up Friday at the Fire Station Link-up Tune In Thursday Faith on Fire Link-upSunday Scripture Blessings Link-up, Sunday ThoughtsWriter Wednesday, Faith Filled Friday God Sized Dreams Link-Up Sitting Among Friends Be Thee Inspired 


  1. Thank you, dear Karen, for reminding us to come boldly by the Blood to His throne.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    1. Hi Wendy, You are very welcome. :-)

      Blessings to you too!

  2. "...when the Lord answers our prayers it is not based on what we have or haven't done as children of God, but based on His will and His great love for us."Amen! And we know He will answer, we just don't know how or when. Blessings to you, Karen! Thanks for linking up at the #LMMLinkup with us.

    1. Hi Gayl, Indeed!

      You are welcome! Thanks for visiting. :-)

  3. Karen, I am currently reading and working my way through the book of Exodus, and have thought some of these very things myself. We are neighbors at #LMM I hope to see you linking up sometime at #TuneInThursday

    1. Hi Debbie, Exodus certainly is a thought-provoking book of the Bible which causes introspection of our own behavior at times.

      Thanks Debbie. It's one of my regular stops and I enjoy the fellowship there. Thanks for hosting!

      Thanks so much for visiting. :-)

  4. I love this! I've fallen into the same trap, forgetting the God delights in giving good gifts to his children.

    1. Hi Anita, Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment. I really appreciate it. :-)

  5. Great insight. And love the analogy of Moses to your childhood story and our prayer life. I admit it's easy to read that passage and wonder why Moses didn't get it or how he clearly isn't a good listener. ;-) But you are so right, we do the same thing in our prayer life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Karen, Thanks so much for your kind words.

      You are welcome!

      I enjoyed your visit. :-)

  6. Sometimes we do forget to actually look up to see if 'Dad' has already said yes! A good reminder to stop doing all the talking and give some time for listening! Thank!

    1. Hi Karen, Indeed!

      You're welcome!

      Thanks for visiting, :-)

  7. Great post! It is peculiar that Moses should respond that way, isn't it? I often find myself wondering what was going on in the mind's of God's people. I love your ending statement! When God answers our prayers, it's not based on anything we do, but based on who He is!

    1. Hi Rachel, Thank you.

      And thank you for joining in the conversation. I appreciate it!

  8. Writing the 31 Days of Praying Psalm 91, I learned so much about Moses. I really like him.

    1. Hi Susan, I 'm sure you did!

      That was my major take away. I think he is such a great character of the Bible to study! There was no one else like him as far as being a "friend to God" here on earth with his interactions.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Karen, thank you for the reminder that God hears our prayers. I often think of the Israelites and their disobedience after they had seen the Red Sea parted, but I think we are just the same.

    1. Hi Pam, You are very welcome. :-)

      Indeed we are. Thankful we also have the example of what a patient God we have as was shown with his relationship with the Israelites and so it is with us as well.

      Thanks for visiting.

  10. Oh, I needed to read this today! It reminded me of something dear Zach told me. He said, "Mama if God has something better for us than what we are praying for, our prayers won't hinder it." Sometimes, I can be SO intent on praying a certain way for a specific outcome, and I just think I should be able to tell God how to do things and want it in a perfectly wrapped package tied with a bow. God's thoughts are so far above mine, it is ridiculous how I try to pin Him in and limit Him. I really got so much out of what you said in this post, and I am going to chew on it for a while! You always edify and point me closer to Jesus, sweet friend. I am so very thankful for you.

    1. Hi Sweet Friend, Your Zach has much wisdom. Love what he said! And thanks for sharing so transparently. I am the same way.

      Praising God for His edifying words and lessons.

      And I you! Sending you much love and gratitude and continued prayer during this time of bereavement.

  11. God's answer is usually a surprise to me, and like you say, sometimes I miss it until it seems he has to knock me on the head and say....there was your answer; maybe not the way I wanted, but usually has been a better one. Your post reminds me to look for the answer in a better way. Recently prayed and wanted the answer so badly for my daughter, but felt like it wouldn't be. When it was answered, it was so apparent that God had worked both through my daughter and the people whose house she was seeking to buy. I immediately had to remember to give God the Praise to her, and was glad that she also recognized that God was good with his favor.

    I'll have to reread this in exodus it's on my list as a reread this year again anyway, but so interesting how Moses missed God's plan and continued to ask. Thanks for blessing at Sunday Scripture blessings. Have a great week.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. Hello Pea Bea! Thank you so much for sharing your story of how God answered your prayer for your daughter. It is always good to share testimonies attesting to His great love and favor for us. All Glory to God!

      Happy Sunday! And thank you so much for your faithful visits here. :-)

  12. I wonder how many good gifts God has waiting for us if we would just come to Him as his child instead of thinking of ourselves as orphans. Great reminders!

    1. Hi Crystal, Very, very well said! Thank you for sharing that!

      Thanks so much for stopping by. :-)


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