Leaf Peeping New England Style!

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Psalm 96:11-12

In my opinion, there is just nothing that compares to Autumn in New England.  This particular year, the perfect recipe of cold  nights and warm days yielded a stunning display of bright reds, oranges and yellows.

My husband and I treated ourselves to an entire day away to enjoy God's creation in all it's beautiful splendor.  

We headed just two hours north of our home to Southern New Hampshire.  My husband had found a fall foliage tour map that took us on windy country roads through quaint New England Villages surrounding the base of Mt. Monadnock.  

One of our stops was in the beautiful village of Hancock where we stretched our legs and strolled along sidewalks to take in the beauty of the Historic homes.  

I daydreamed about the people who once walked these roads back in the 1800s; a sense of community and coziness filled my mind with peaceful thoughts.

Hancock Village

A rose blooming on a bush, 
life bursting forth, 
dying leaves blanketing the ground...

A stunning metaphor of the beauty of Christ's love for His children when He died on that tree at Calvary, and subsequently was raised in Glorious splendor to new life, so that we who believe, would be raised with Him from death to life eternal.

My husband and I stopped at this quintessential New England Meeting House in Historic Jaffrey with views of Mt. Monadnock.  

My husband gave me the idea of taking a picture of the church with the colorful maple leaves surrounding the steeple.

Mt. Monadnock in the distance

One of the longest church horse stalls I've seen!

The family's names still marked above each stall, matching the names on the gravestones out back.

There the members of the congregation are resting beneath the earth in the shadow of the Meeting House; a Meeting House where they had spent many Autumns worshipping God and no doubt, enjoying the beautiful fall colors, who now are basking in the radiance of Christ Jesus. 

Our most beautiful and fascinating stop was Cathedral of the Pines.   

"In the fall of 1937, Sibyl and Douglas Sloane III purchased the property in Rindge, NH that was later to become the Cathedral of the Pines. Settling on what was then 128 acres, they envisioned that their four childrenā€”Douglas, Sanderson (ā€œSandyā€), Margaret, and John (ā€œJackā€)ā€”would one day build their own houses on the property." {excerpt from Cathedral in the Pines website}

Sloane Family Homestead

Their son Sandy had joined the Army and planned on building his home when he returned from oversees; a home that was to be built on the spot where Cathedral of the Pines now stands. Unfortunately, while oversees his plane was shot down and he was killed.  His family held a memorial service for Sandy on the land that was cleared out overlooking Mt. Monadnock which later became Cathedral of the Pines.  

In the years to follow, the Sloanes created Cathedral of the Pines and welcomed all faiths to worship there.

The altar made with stones from every State in America.
Majestic views of Mt. Monadnock in the background.

A humble graveyard in a meadow overlooking Mt. Monadnock.

I think this could be said of the Christian life...

Praising God for His Law; the Law written on our hearts...

I've always liked the sentiment behind this prayer...

My Pastor husband can never resist trying out a pulpit.
This was probably the most unique!

Inside this building, incorporated within the stones, you will find all sorts of memorabilia.  
From purple hearts to a piece of the Blarney Stone!

But the item that stopped me in my tracks was a five inch diameter rock that came from one of the ovens at Auschwitz.  I reflected long and hard upon the enormity of what I was looking at.

If you live near Southern New Hampshire, I highly recommend a visit to Cathedral of the Pines.   It is so interesting and absolutely beautiful!

Some closing pictures of our trip...

My husband and I came upon this beautiful view of Mt. Monadnock.   The road just opened up and there it was!  It took my breath away!

I hope you have enjoyed my Daybook of sorts chronicling my leaf peeping adventure.

I highly recommend Leaf Peeping New England Style!  :-)

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  1. OH, how glorious! Your photos are just wonderful and surely captured the beauty! We used to have a cassette tape called "Autumn In New England", and it was SO beautiful. It was all instrumental...mostly piano. We just loved it, and I have often wished we could find it on CD, but I have never been able to. Anyhow, it reminded me of that when I read the beginning of your post! So thankful you and your husband were able to get away and enjoy such splendor! Sending you much love and hugs, sweet friend. :)

    1. Hi Cheryl! Thank you so much!

      That cassette tape sounds wonderful! Whoever created it came up with a great idea!

      Thank you for rejoicing with us in our Leaf Peeping getaway! :-)

      Sending love hugs right back to you! :-)

  2. BEautiful pictures! It looks like had a wonderful time. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. Thank you! The pictures actually didn't do the colors justice!

      You are very welcome! I enjoyed my visit.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. :-)

  3. This novice New Englander surely loved your grand tour! The northeast is a gorgeous place, for sure ...

  4. Beautiful . . . you are so right--there is nothing akin to autumn in New England!! I miss those old cemeteries so much!!!

    I love you and miss you, dear Karen!

    1. Hi Bekki! Awe, I remember how you and Alicia used to talk about your visits to one of my favorite cemeteries in Plymouth.

      New England misses your family too and most of all, I do!

      Love you and miss you too!

  5. Wow, what beautiful pictures of such beautiful fall things! We don't really experience fall here in southern CA, so I really appreciate you sharing these pictures. I also like the information about the places you visited. The stone from the oven would make me pause and reflect also.

    1. Brenda, Thank you!

      Awe, I'm glad!

      Yes, when we headed out for our Leaf Peeping day trip I had no idea what history I would witness along the ride.

      And Southern California is beautiful in its own right! You are blessed indeed. :-)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Gorgeous! My Honey and I traveled a little under 2 hours a week ago to stroll along the river and take in the Autumn colors... we are out in the PNW and enjoy a gorgeous fall season but I do hope one day to see New England in the Fall!

    1. Karrilee, Ahh yes! God has certainly blessed our country with many areas to enjoy Autumn colors.

      Glad you and your Honey enjoyed a trip yourselves to take in God''s beautiful creation.

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a glorious journey you have just invited me to come on with you. The colors, the neat and tidy of New England, the old and beautifully kept, the incredible horse stalls for a church (parking lot)!!! It was wonderful. It has been a million years since I saw an autumn such as that. I have lived in areas that barely have seasons let alone ones such as that. Thanks.

    1. Linda, Awe, I am so glad you "enjoyed the ride". I'm so glad you could come along! :-)

      I think too often I take for granted seasons and forget there are areas that don't have Autumns.

      I'm glad I could bring Autumn to you. :-)


  8. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos and beautiful thoughts from your trip! I loved the metaphor of death and life springing forth when you captured that stunning rose next to the dying leaves. I'm glad to be your neighbor over at #TeaAndWord today!

    1. Bettie, You are very welcome!

      And thank you so much for your kind words.

      I am so glad you stopped by! :-)

  9. What a fabulous group of pictures. We are so blessed by His beauty even through sin!

    1. Carol,

      Thank you.


      Thanks so much for stopping by. :-)

  10. Karen - I love fall with the bright vibrant colors! I have always wanted to tour/vaction in ew england in the fall to experience it, in fact we were supposed to do that this fall, however early in the year there was concern with my husbands job moving out of state, so needless to say, we never booked it... I am sad, but today feel extremely blessed because, thanks to you, I still got to see the beauty! thanks for sharing your post at Meg's #TeaAndWord

    1. Debbie, Awe, thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy New England through God's blessing to me and my husband.

      Thanks for coming along for the ride!

  11. It looks so beautiful there! I'd love to visit New England in the fall sometime. I've also always wanted to visit Prince Edward Island in the fall. It looks gorgeous too! One of these days I'll have to talk my husband into traveling to the east coast during the fall season! : )

    1. Cathy, Oh yes. I've heard wonderful things about Prince Edward Island, but have never been.

      You and your husband will enjoy a trip east during the Fall immensely. :-)


  12. Beautiful captures, Karen! I grew up in New England but I can't remember every going to Cathedral of the Pines. What a neat place!

    1. June, Thank you!

      I've lived in New England for almost 30 years and this was the first time we had heard of it or went to it! It really is quite a gem!

      Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Karen, your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I've never been to New England but this post makes me want to go ... in the fall, of course! I love that quote about climbing the same mountain, too ... very profound! :-)

    1. Lois, Thank you so much!

      Awe, I hope you get the opportunity!

      Yes, that quote was definitely thought provoking. I sent it to my dad who is an avid mountain hiker. :-)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Beautiful compilation of photos of the season. Living in this area never ceases to amaze me.

  15. Oh how fun this was to visit here today, when it is finally below 80 where I live. This soothed my yearly longing to experience the autumns of childhood, and your pictures are beautiful!

    1. Crystal, I'm so glad you had fun here! :-)

      Thank you so much for your kind words.


  16. Beautiful pictures! So wonderful to get away and explore, and just enjoy the beauty the Lord created for us! I loved the Cathedral of the Pines, and the story behind it too. i really enjoyed your little tour of the fall colors!!! :)

    1. Thank you so much!

      Indeed it is!

      I'm so glad you enjoyed coming along with us on our leaf peeping trip and Cathedral in the Pines. :-)

  17. I love autumn! What a beautiful place to live and so much interesting history!

    1. Ann, Indeed we do have a lot of beauty and history here.

      God has certainly blessed us here in New England.

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  18. Thanks for sharing your journey! Lovely!

  19. This is so lovely, Karen! If I could have tagged along in the background I would have. Breathtaking beauty and I love the stories behind it all. Thanks so much for sharing you and your hubby's adventure with us!

    1. Meg, Thank you. I'm sure we would have enjoyed your company! :-)

      You are very welcome!

  20. Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! I someday hope to visit the east coast. We have been to Massachusetts once long ago, however there is so much more I want to see!
    Thanks, Karen! Love this ā™„

    1. Lori, It truly was. :-)

      Hoping the Lord blesses you with a trip to the East Coast. :-)

      Thanks so much!


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