Feature Friday - November 13, 2015

In the midst of the busyness of life, I am losing grasp of my "First Love"...

Just a few short years ago, I had experienced the pain of an empty nest; my daughter moving 2000 miles away to the west coast after marrying to be with her husband who was a Marine at the time.  It was during the next year and a half that I depended on Jesus like never before.  He was truly my Best Friend.  In the quietness of the house, I would spend hours in prayer and Bible reading, every day...

Just a few short years later, the Lord blessed me incredibly.  He provided a perfect part-time job that I love, and not only did He return my daughter to me, but my son-in-law and now seven month old granddaughter are living with us for a season.  My heart and home are full!  :-)

As I try to balance working, babysitting my precious granddaughter and the demands of a full household, I am finding it harder and harder to spend quality time with the Lord.

As such, I was drawn to Sarah Koontz blog post entitled When Was the Last Time You De-cluttered Your Heart?  Sarah shares sound Godly insights for de-cluttering our hearts to make room for the One we owe our whole heart to.

Sarah Koontz shares the following about herself...

"I long to share the beauty that I discover, the God I know, and the life I have chosen to embrace.
The path I walk is my own, but maybe you will find something here to inspire your own journey.
God has written so many beautiful things upon my heart, and I can’t wait to share them all with you.  My heartbeat is to help fellow believers to understand what it truly means to be a Christian.

Sarah lives on 13 acres of beautiful, fertile land in the heart of the mid-west. She is eternally grateful for her husband who chooses to love her daily in spite of her many shortcomings.  She is the mother of two beautiful little girls, one tender and meek the other bold and daring.  Sarah is committed to fearlessly pursuing the dreams that God has placed within her heart, and she invites you to lock arms with her on this crazy journey called life."    

If your heart needs de-cluttering like mine does, please head on over to www.sarahkoontz.com to read When Was the Last Time You De-cluttered Your Heart? 

You might find me on these link-ups:
Grace & Truth Link-upWoman to Woman Ministries,  Growing in Grace Link-up, 3DLessonsLif4eLivefree Thursday,Everyday JesusSDG GatheringInspire Me Monday Titus 2 TuesdayA Wise Women Builds Her HomeA Look at the Book,  Sunday StillnessThe Weekend BrewSpiritual Sundays, Soul Survival,  Give Me GraceA Little R&RTestimony TuesdayWomen with Intention WednesdaysStill SaturdayGood Morning MondaysTell His StoryFaith & Fellowship Blog HopMotivate and Rejuvenate MondaysBe SaltyMonday's MusingsThe Art of Home-Making MondayTuesday TalkWaiting on Wednesday,Dance with Jesus,Looking Up Link-UpReflect His Love and Glory Friend Sharpens Friend Link-UpWords of Comfort Link-upWholehearted WednesdaysTell it to Me TuesdayFaithful at Home FridaysSo Much At Home Link-Up, Faith 'N Friends


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