Feature Friday - November 6, 2015

After writing about "hard things" this week, I was so encouraged to visit HolyVacationQueen. com to read Kathy Barbini's blog post Are You Facing Change?   Kathy touches upon the many aspects of change in a person's life from tragedy to triumph, expected to unexpected,  just to name a few...

I was so struck by the following insight she shared,

"Sometimes we know deep within us things are about to change, yet we cling to the illusion of stability, of sameness that’s bursting at the seams.

Before it arrives, we ignore it’s cues, like an elephant in the room.

It’s natural to want to resist change. But it’s best to accept the elephant in the room as a new pet, this big magnificent, awkward lump of an animal that needs attention."

Kathy beautifully points us to the promises of our NEVER changing God as she offers encouragement and hope to help us navigate our earthly times of change.

Kathy shares the following about herself:

"I searched for happiness and contentment in a successful career, relationships, and traveling the world — and even moved to places that looked like paradise. When God's abounding grace turned my world upside down, I realized 'something more' would never be found on hammocks between dancing palm trees. I'm passionate about seeking and sharing ways to live a life of everyday holiness, and encouraging you on a holy life journey."

Please head on over to  HolyVacationQueen.com to read Are You Facing Change?  You will be greatly encouraged.  :-)

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