Feature Friday - September 18, 2015

Welcome back to Feature Friday!

As I have shared before, I love being part of the Christian link-up community.  I have lost track of how many times the Lord has used your blog posts to speak to an area that I specifically needed ministering in.  This week was no exception.  Providentially, I was linked up after a blog post shared on The Wicket Gate whose writers are Benjamin and Meredith Green.  Their blog introduction reads:

"Our names are Benjamin and Meredith and we are young marrieds, college students, and followers of Jesus, learning every day to apply the Bible to our lives.

That’s what we hope and pray that the Wicket Gate will help others do too — use the Bible as it was meant to be used, to guide and transform.

The Wicket Gate was conceived when God burdened us to do more to reach the world around us and as God challenged us to live lives based totally on His Word...

Our goal is to use the Bible to encourage Christians to live Biblically beyond the “wicket gate” and to point out the “wicket gate” to the lost and dying world around them."

In Meredith's blog post, The God You Pray To, she shares an amazing story of God's working in a seemingly impossible situation.  She also shares her own insights about prayer to encourage us not to put God in a box regarding our prayer needs, but to pray humbly and boldly to the God of Abraham, the same God who is on the throne today.

I was so very blessed and greatly encouraged by this blog post.  I'm sure you will be to.  Please head on over to The Wicket Gate and read The God You Pray To.

You might find me on these link-ups:
Grace & Truth Link-upWoman to Woman Ministries,  Growing in Grace Link-up, 3DLessonsLif4eLivefree Thursday,Everyday JesusSDG GatheringInspire Me Monday Titus 2 TuesdayA Wise Women Builds Her HomeA Look at the Book,  Sunday StillnessThe Weekend BrewSpiritual Sundays, Soul Survival,  Give Me GraceA Little R&RTestimony TuesdayWomen with Intention WednesdaysStill SaturdayGood Morning MondaysTell His StoryBlessings Counter Link-up Party,Faith & Fellowship Blog HopMotivate and Rejuvenate MondaysBe SaltyMonday's MusingsThe Art of Home-Making MondayTuesday TalkWaiting on Wednesday,Dance with Jesus,Looking Up Link-UpReflect His Love and Glory Friend Sharpens Friend Link-UpWords of Comfort Link-upWholehearted WednesdaysTell it to Me TuesdayFaithful at Home FridaysSo Much At Home Link-UpLiteracy Musing Mondays


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