Feature Friday - September 11, 2015

Welcome to my new weekly feature, Feature Friday, where I will be sharing a blog post that touched my heart during the week.

I was blessed to visit a new blog today called A New Lens written by Pam Ecrement.  Her bio states that from her earliest memories, words and how they can create meanings, emotions, ideas, and illuminate stories, have filled her head.

Pam has led several ministries, and taught elementary and junior high special education students.  Pam has also served in the role of a Licensed Professional Supervising Clinical Counselor and Independent Marriage and Family Therapist.  In 2014,  Pam retired from all the jobs that had filled her days and felt a stirring inside, once again, to return to writing. Pam shares that she now has the time to begin writing again and expand her love of photography.  She is looking forward to this new season of discovery.

Her blog post Looking for God Winks drew me in from the beginning when I read the following quote she shared:

“If you want to be miserable think of yourself, about

         what you want, what you like, what respect people

         ought to pay you and what people think of you.”

Charles Kingsley

Please head on over to Pam's blog here to read her Godly insights for redirecting the lens of our focus from ourselves to our Lord and Savior.



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